Loews Hotels will implement Ireckonu’s guest preference software across all of its 24 properties, as well as in the five hotels under development.  According to an announcement, Loews will use the Core and IKnowU  solutions to focus on tailor-made personalized stays. Chi Chan, senior vice president, e-commerce and marketing for Loews, said that with the platform, the company will be able to create a seamless and integrated guest experience framework. It will also allow Loews “to innovate and create customer intimacy throughout the travel journey.” Ireckonu uses microservices (a method of developing software) and business logic to enable and manage the flow of data between on-premises and outside-of-property systems. The Core product allows for a customized key on a guest’s mobile device; automatic check-in on arrival and personalized preferences for in-room features like lights and TV.  The IKnowU product captures information for the guest profile, including personal interests like running, potential use of spa, etc.